Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Who Models In Pretty Little Liars

General information about the DSD

This page gives an overview of the German Language Certificate (level 2) of the Standing Conference. Please refer to the official website for language diploma!
General information about the (new) DSD can be found in the following DSD Wiki , which also a special DSD portal added.
Note: All information on the new DSD is not guaranteed! At present, there may still change in the structure and the inclusion criteria.
A promotional brochure the Central Agency for Schools Abroad is a brief overview of the DSD.
also found on the official site for language diploma materials for pupils, teachers involved in the audit and DSD schools.
Recommended is a visit to the DSD 2- forum where you can ask questions and find answers!

Monday, February 5, 2007

How Do I Get Confiscated Id Back

The new DSD 2

With the test in spring 2008, major changes in format and content structure of the DSD will yield 2 test.
DSD 2 test based on the level of "C1" of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages .

  • all 4 sections of the exam (reading, writing, listening, speaking) will be counted at 25%.
  • part of the test "grammar and vocabulary" is substitution away.
  • The examination will take place on 2 days (one day for the written part of a day for the oral).
  • In each of the 4-tasks must be at least 30% be achieved, a total of 60% must of the total possible points to be achieved in order to pass the exam.

for the changes within the parts of the examination by corresponding entries on this page.

At this point, recommended the study of test specifications, the detailed information about the structure of the DSD type 2 test. Please note that the DSD level 2 the level of "C1" matches!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Can You Buy Iron City Beer In New York State ?.

examination regulations, design requirements, test specifications

the rough framework for the DSD 2 examination put the

- from test specifications
- examination regulations

implementing regulations.

Please note that the DSD 2 test level "C1" matches!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Polaris 425 4x4 Wiring Diagram

assessment of the examination

For the DSD 2 examination course there evaluation criteria, which you can find also the implementing regulations . Here, too, please make sure that for our purposes, C1!

The responses of the parts "reading comprehension" and "listening" be analyzed electronically in Germany.

Friday, February 2, 2007

How Light Affects Thing

task of "written communication"

The task of "written communication" in the new DSD 2 has the following parameters:

  • Processing time: 120 minutes
  • A minimum number of words that no longer exists. We recommend a minimum of 300 words.
  • Tools: bilingual dictionary
  • task structure:
- essence of the present text (200 words) and present graphic work out
- Leave arguing on the subject (eg Pro - Contra)
- Personal opinion on

example task
instructions for written communication
further guidance for written communication
Notes on cohesion and coherence
comments to charts
Tips for the verbalization of diagrams

Thursday, February 1, 2007

How To Protect Exterior Doors From Rain

task of "reading comprehension"

also the task of "reading comprehension" has experienced two changes in the new DSD.
its parameters:

  • Processing time: 70 minutes (including transfer time again answer sheet)
  • number and types of texts: first
    Global understanding (5 short texts of approx 55 words, such as short messages or advertisements)
    second Selective Listening (dialogical text, 600 words)
    third Detailed understanding (informative factual text, 750 words)
  • number and types of tasks: 1 Assignment, 2 and 3 Multiple Choice Triple Option

example task
answer sheet
answer key
is evidence for reading comprehension