Thursday, May 6, 2010

2010 Irs Publication 520

The § 57a-sticker

The periodic inspection of vehicles is in accordance with § 57a of the driving force defined in law - colloquially known as "validation sticker". The

§ 57a-assessment reviewed the traffic and operational safety and environmental impact of your vehicle according to the state of the art. This not only serves your own security, but also the protection of other road users.

Who can check vehicles in accordance with § 57a?
Kfz-Techniker/innen; strict conditions to meet. The workshop must have adequate facilities have and maintain a clearly traceable documentation of all vehicle checks. The technicians must regularly attend indoor training, to carry out checks may.

What should you bring to the review?
the registration certificate. In case of any changes in the vehicle, observe the corresponding approval documents (technical certificate / COC) are attached.

Replaces a service that sticker?
No, because the service usually applies to maintenance as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

How often do the review be carried out?
The first review is 3 years due to initial registration, the second in two years and annually thereafter. (Note - there are exceptions, such as vintage cars). For Bikes is an annual review requirement.

failed date of review - what now?
apply in Austria tolerance limits. The review may be just a month ago or four months carried out after the date stamped on the badge. But please note that your insurance tolerated these periods (see policy). These tolerance limits but not be recognized in all countries - please check before each trip abroad on there, whether time limits.

Expired sticker - go to penalties
with an expired sticker, can get expensive. In theory, could face up to 2180, - € punishment - both the registered owner and the handlebar. Should an accident be due to an error that would be noticed in case of timely assessment, vehicle owner and driver can also be held accountable.

destroyed or unreadable plaque
Contact the shop, which has inspected the vehicle. This will issue you a replacement upon presentation of the report badge. If you the report is lost, the workshop will issue a duplicate.

negative opinion
The examiner differs between
- no shortage
- slight defect
- severe deficiency and
- danger in delay.

If not, one or more parts in accordance with the law, is required the evaluation workshop, in the opinion of this record and a so-called "negative opinion" issue. Several "minor deficiencies" may have a "negative opinion" to follow. Since it is usually at these points to parts involved are worn through normal use of the vehicle can these are easily corrected and the vehicle will be examined again by the workshop.

Source: Federal Guild of Automotive Engineers, ÖAMTC


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