The 2011 annual vignette costs EUR 76.50 for two-lane motor vehicles (including VAT), those for single-lane EUR 30.50. The year 2011 are vignettes of 1 December 2010 to and including 31 January 2012 valid. The color of the new sticker is mango.
New Tariffs 2011 for passenger cars (all cars up to 3.5 t GVW):
annual vignette: EUR 76.50 (2010: 76.20)
2-month sticker: EUR 23.00 (2010 : 22,90)
10-day vignette: EUR 7.90 (2010: 7.90)
New Tariffs 2011 for motorcycles:
annual vignette: EUR 30.50 (2010: 30,40)
2-month sticker: EUR 11.50 (2010: 11.50)
10-day vignette: EUR 4.50 (2010: 4.50)
mounting car: The Vignette
undamaged and must without additional resources directly glued to the inside of the windshield, so it is easily visible and controllable from outside (the stick behind a dark tint strip is not permitted).
Please note the installation instructions on the back of a sticker.
adhesion to a single-track car:
On motorcycles is to stick the sticker clearly visible on a difficult or impossible to remove part of the motorcycle. This circumstance is deemed to exist if the distance is only part of the motorcycle using tools.
Does the sticker be stuck?
Basically yes! Exceptions are the following cases:
- The corridor vignette in the motor vehicle carried. A multiple track motor vehicles (eg cars), the corridor Vignette is deposited from the outside easily visible and verifiable to inside the vehicle behind the windshield.
- a motor vehicle to lead a test drive or surrender flag, is carrying a properly perforated 2-month sticker allowed. Annual vignettes and 10-day stickers must be glued binding.
- are equipped with a windshield for motor vehicles that are not type-approved, the vignette is kept bare.
- If you park your car at a rest stop duty vignette, the vignette is deposited from the outside clearly visible in the vehicle.
The vignette is based vehicle, a transfer to another vehicle is excluded.
Loosen your sticker until after the expiry date. By the release of Vignette forfeited because of the incorporated security features of the vignette validity.
The vignette section on the support film store!
details, see the following links:
http://www.oeamtc.at/index.php?type=article&id = 1105272 & menu_active = 116 & hppos = 16
Source: asfinag.at
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